Four migrants arrived on the 6th of Malachite
One of them worships Osod Tombsphantom, a dwarven god of death. That god is from The Anvil of Carnality’s gods list, so that’s good, but he is also (according to the archives) pretty popular among necromancers, that figures. I don’t think the worship of that god should be encouraged in Zealpainted.
Another migrant is a thirteen year old “ardent worshipper of Dasël (one the gods of our nation)”, he is so ardent he is actually “unfocused after being unable to pray to Dasël”! He also has “a meager ability with social relationships, very bad analytical abilities and very little patience”. There’s more…“He has little time for forgiveness and will generally seek retribution”. I think Zealpainted got its first zealot! Too bad he’s not worshipping The Barricaded, but I’ll take it. I’ll make this kid a judge someday or something, he’s perfect.
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Running from the chaos of The Crest of Praising, our dwarves set out to make home in the mountains of The Horn of Man (map).
I want this fortress to have the theme of “a bunch of puritan settlers leaving behind the decadence of their old home”. This new settlement shold be big on going back to the roots and all that. So, I let the game generate random names for the group and for the fort they will build and I stopped at the names that fit the theme. The group is “The Armors of Esteem”, and the fort will be “Zealpainted”. For the symbol of the play, I chose it to be this:
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The troubled north
On the main continent of The Universe of Souls, there lies a lake so huge it’s called “The Teal Ocean”. Magnificent and unchanging, it lies in contrast to its surroundings like an island of peace in the midst of a raging sea of chaos.

From the early decades of recorded history, the civilizations surrounding The Teal Ocean were embroiled in an endless struggle against each other. The vast steppe to the east has been populated with numerous sites of those civilizations over the past 550 years. Those centuries have very complicated histories of wars, raids, governments, and groups of outcasts large enough to challenge civilizations. Many sites have lost their original identity, and many have been abandoned to ruin.
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